
公司名稱 吉律工業股份有限公司  會員編號 TXG030
通訊地址 414台中市烏日區太明路226巷86號 負責人 宋仲哲
電話 04-2335-8500 傳真 04-2335-6780
公司E-Mail medical@genemax.com.tw 統編 86649884
網頁 https://www.genemax.com.tw/ Facebook
公司簡介 Genemax Medical Products Industry Corp. was founded by Mr. Richard Sung in 1992. We design and manufacture wheelchairs, home beds, rollators, mobility scooter, commode chairs and home care series. The company’s products including medical supplies & hospital equipment- medical products, power wheelchair, hospital beds, medical home beds, walkers, rollator & delta walkers, shower benches, rehabilitation equipment, commode chairs, I.V pole & oxygen tank carts, pedal exercisers, knee scooters, comfort support chairs, home care and so on. To keep being competitive and innovative.
公司屬性 醫療器材相關製造
主要產品 主要生產:輪椅、居家病床、四輪車、浴室椅、居家看護系列產品。電動輪椅和代步車
